removeMessageListener( MessageListener, [containingObject] ) method

Removes the message listener.

The two parameters passed in to this function should match exactly the corresponding parameters passed into hwc.addMessageListener when the message listener was added.


<static> removeMessageListener( MessageListener, [containingObject] )


Name Type Argument Description
MessageListener anonymous.MessageListener   The callback for message changes.
containingObject Object (optional) If the containing object was given to hwc.addMessageListener when the message listener was added, then it also must be passed into this function.


// soSomething is a global function called by the listener callback.
var doSomething = function()
   alert("New message!");
// messageListener is the callback function passed to hwc.addMessageListener.
var messageListener = function( flag, messageId )
   if( flag == hwc.MSG_ADDED )
// We do not want to filter the message events the listener will get invoked for, so pass null for the first parameter.
hwc.addMessageListener( null, messageListener );
// If we want to remove the listener at some other point, use the following line of code:
hwc.removeMessageListener( messageListener );
// someObject is an object that will contain the listener callback as well as a variable referenced by the callback.
var someObject = {};
// doSomething is a function referenced by the callback function.
someObject.doSomething = function()
   alert("New message!");
// messageListener is the callback that will be passed to hwc.addMessageListener.
someObject.messageListener = function( flag, messageId )
   if( flag == hwc.MSG_ADDED )
// Create a filter so that not all message events will invoke our callback function.
// Only events about messages with a subject of "SI<4>" will trigger our callback function.
var filter = new hwc.MessageFilter( null, "SI<4>", null, null, null, null);
// The callback function references a variable in its containing object, so we need to pass in the containing object
// in addition to the filter and the callback function.
hwc.addMessageListener( filter, someObject.messageListener, someObject );
// If we want to remove the listener at some other point, use the following line of code:
hwc.removeMessageListener( messageListener, someObject );


hwc-api.js, line 2850.