URL Parameters

When writing your own HTML and JavaScript, when the document is loaded, these URL parameters are present.

You can find an example of how to use these URL parameters in the onHybridAppLoad() function in the Utils.js file.
URL parameter Description
loglevel Current device log level.
screenToShow Name of the screen to show.
supusername User name of the current Hybrid App (if available).
lang Current language of the device.
isalreadyprocessed Indicates whether or not the Hybrid App message has been processed. The JavaScript can, for example, choose to show all controls as read-only if it has already been processed but viewed again.
loadtransformdata Indicates that the JavaScript should request the transform data (contents of the e-mail message) from the Hybrid Web Container using the loadtransform data query type. For information about the query types, see the topic Calling the Hybrid Web Container.
ignoretransformscreen Indicates that the JavaScript should ignore the RequestScreen tag in the transform data (contents of the message). This is set to true when the screen to show is either the Activation or Credentials screen.