getPicture( onGetPictureError, onGetPictureSuccess, options ) method

Requests retrieval of a picture asynchronously.


<static> getPicture( onGetPictureError, onGetPictureSuccess, options )


Name Type Description
onGetPictureError anonymous.onGetPictureError Function to be invoked if the attempt to get a picture fails.err will be one of the PictureError codes.
onGetPictureSuccess anonymous.onGetPictureSuccess Function to be invoked if a picture is successfully retrieved.response will either be a Base64-encoded JPG string or a URI.
options anonymous.PictureOptions the options to control the sourceType and destinationType.


// Error handler. will be invoked asynchronously.
fail = function(errorCode){
     // handle error code and take appropriate action.
// Success handler. will be invoked asynchronously.
success = function(fileName, content){
     // handle the content. content may be a location or base64 encoded string that is
     // determined by the options passed to the destinationType argument.

           { sourceType: PictureOption.SourceType.CAMERA,
             destinationType: PictureOption.DestinationType.IMAGE_URI


Camera.js, line 161.