
1       // it is depending on Datajs.js and httpsproxy.js
2       /*
3        * Sybase datajs integration with PhoneGap HTTPS proxy
4        *
5        * datajs-https-proxy.js
6        * This file will not be regenerated, so it is possible to modify it, but it
7        * is not recommended.
8        *
9        * Copyright (c) 2013 Sybase Inc. All rights reserved.
10       */
13      /** 
14       * The namespace for HTTP(S) proxy 
15       * @namespace
16       */
17      HttpsConnection = (typeof HttpsConnection === "undefined" || !HttpsConnection) ? {} : HttpsConnection;      // 'namespace'
19      (function(HttpsConnection, window, undefined) {
21         /**
22           * Generate an OData HttpClient object over https proxy of native platform.
23           * 
24           * This object will re-direct all odata request to the http proxy because even with HTTP connection, there are
25           * are some known issue by default setting since the application in device is cross server accessing the odata service.
26           * See: for details of the issue.
27           *
28           * Call this method normally on HTML page load event to replace the default odata HTTP client.
29           * @memberOf HttpsConnection
30           * @public
31           * @example
32           *  // Call datajs api without certificate, users could call just as normal by passing 
33           *  // URL as first argument
34           *  var length = 0;
35           *  var updateUri = server + "/example.svc/Categories(1)";
36           *  
37           * + "/example.svc/Categories",
38           *  function (data, response) {
39           *      alert("length " + data.results.length);
40           *      length = data.results.length;
41           *      if ( length > 0 ) 
42           * {
43           *          var updateRequest = {
44           *              requestUri: updateUri,
45           *              method: "PUT",
46           *              data: 
47           * { 
48           *                  Picture: new Date().getTime(),
49           *                  Description: "Update Record",
50           *                  CategoryName: "Updated Category",
51           *                  CategoryID: 1
52           *              }
53           *          };
54           *  
55           *          OData.request(updateRequest, 
56           *              function (data, response) {
57           *                  alert("Response " + JSON.stringify(response));
58           *              },
59           *              function (err) {
60           *                  alert("Error occurred " + err.message);
61           *              }
62           *          );
63           *      };     
64           *  },
65           *  function (err) {
66           *      alert("Error occurred " + err.message);
67           *  });
68           *
69           *  // However, to specify certificate source in the method call, users need to pass in 
70           *  // the request object instead of URL,
71           *  // and add the field "certificateSource" to the request object.
72            *  var length = 0;
73           *  var updateUri = server + "/example.svc/Categories(1)";
74           *  
75           *{ requestUri: server + "/example.svc/Categories", certificateSource : cert},
76           *  function (data, response) {
77           *      alert("length " + data.results.length);
78           *      length = data.results.length;
79           *      if ( length > 0 ) 
80           * {
81           *          var updateRequest = {
82           *              requestUri: updateUri,
83           *              certificateSource : cert,
84           *              method: "PUT",
85           *              data: 
86           * { 
87           *                  Picture: new Date().getTime(),
88           *                  Description: "Update Record",
89           *                  CategoryName: "Updated Category",
90           *                  CategoryID: 1
91           *              }
92           *          };
93           *  
94           *          OData.request(updateRequest, 
95           *              function (data, response) {
96           *                  alert("Response " + JSON.stringify(response));
97           *              },
98           *              function (err) {
99           *                  alert("Error occurred " + err.message);
100          *              }
101          *          );
102          *      };     
103          *  },
104          *  function (err) {
105          *      alert("Error occurred " + err.message);
106          *  });
107           */
108         HttpsConnection.generateODataHttpClient = function () {
109             if ( HttpsConnection.sendRequest && !OData.defaultHttpClient.HttpsConnectionWrapper) {
110                 OData.defaultHttpClient = {
111                     HttpsConnectionWrapper: true,
112                     request: function (request, success, error) {
113                         var url, requestHeaders, requestBody, statusCode, statusText, responseHeaders;
114                         var responseBody, requestTimeout, requestUserName, requestPassword, requestCertificate;
115                         var client, result;
117                         url = request.requestUri;
118                         requestHeaders = request.headers;
119                         requestBody = request.body;
121                         var successCB = function( data ) {
122                             var response = { 
123                                 requestUri: url, 
124                                 statusCode: data.status, 
125                                 statusText: data.status, 
126                                 headers: data.headers, 
127                                 body: (data.responseText ? data.responseText : data.responseBase64)
128                             };
130                             if (response.statusCode >= 200 && response.statusCode <= 299) {
131                                 if ( success ) {
132                                    success(response);
133                                 }
134                             } else {
135                                 if ( error ) {
136                                    error({ message: "HTTP request failed", request: request, response: response });
137                                 }
138                             }
139                         };
141                         var errorCB = function( data ) {    
142                             if ( error ) {
143                                 error({message: data});
144                             }
145                         };
147                         if ( request.timeoutMS ) {
148                            requestTimeout = request.timeoutMS / 1000;
149                         }
151                         if ( request.certificateSource ) {
152                            requestCertificate = request.certificateSource;
153                         }
155                         if ( request.user ) {
156                            requestUserName = request.user;
157                         }
159                         if ( request.password ) {
160                            requestPassword = request.password;
161                         }
163                         client = HttpsConnection.sendRequest(request.method || "GET", url, requestHeaders, requestBody, successCB, errorCB, requestUserName, requestPassword, requestTimeout, requestCertificate );
165                         result = {};                    
166                         result.abort = function () {
167                             client.abort();   
169                             if ( error )    {
170                                 error({ message: "Request aborted" });
171                             }
172                         };
173                         return result;
174                     }
175                 };
176             }
177         };
179     })(HttpsConnection, window);