
1       /*
2        * Sybase PhoneGap AppLog plugin
3        *
4        * applog.js
5        * This file will not be regenerated, so it is possible to modify it, but it
6        * is not recommended.
7        *
8        * Copyright (c) 2013 Sybase Inc. All rights reserved.
9        */
11      /**
12       * The namespace for AppLog plugin 
13       * @namespace
14       */
15      AppLog = (typeof AppLog === "undefined" || !AppLog) ? {} : AppLog; // 'namespace'
17      (function(AppLog, window, undefined) {
18         /**
19          * Constant indicating the operation failed with unknown error. Used in {@link anonymous.AppLogErrorCallbackParameter}.
20          * @type number 
21          */
22         AppLog.ERR_UNKNOWN                           = -1;
24         /**
25          * Constant indicating an app log entry is associated with an unknown event. Used in {@link AppLog.LogEntry}.
26          * @type number
27          */
28         AppLog.STATUS_EVENT_UNKNOWN                  = 1;
30         /**
31          * Constant indicating an app log entry is associated with starting the client connection to the SUP server. Used in {@link AppLog.LogEntry}.
32          * @type number
33          */
34         AppLog.STATUS_EVENT_STARTUP                  = 2;
36         /**
37          * Constant indicating an app log entry is associated with shutting down the client connection to the SUP server. Used in {@link AppLog.LogEntry}.
38          * @type number
39          */
40         AppLog.STATUS_EVENT_SHUTDOWN                 = 3;
42         /**
43          * Constant indicating an app log entry is associated with restarting the client connection to the SUP server. Used in {@link AppLog.LogEntry}.
44          * @type number
45          */
46         AppLog.STATUS_EVENT_RESTART                  = 4;
48         /**
49          * Constant indicating an app log entry is associated with the client successfully connecting to the SUP server. Used in {@link AppLog.LogEntry}.
50          * @type number
51          */
52         AppLog.STATUS_EVENT_CONNECTED                = 5;
54         /**
55          * Constant indicating an app log entry is associated with the client losing connection to the SUP server. Used in {@link AppLog.LogEntry}.
56          * @type number
57          */
58         AppLog.STATUS_EVENT_DISCONNECTED             = 6;
60         /**
61          * Constant indicating an app log entry is associated with the client going into flight mode. Used in {@link AppLog.LogEntry}.
62          * @type number
63          */
64         AppLog.STATUS_EVENT_FLIGHT_MODE              = 7;
66         /**
67          * Constant indicating an app log entry is associated with the client going out of network. Used in {@link AppLog.LogEntry}.
68          * @type number
69          */
70         AppLog.STATUS_EVENT_OUT_OF_NETWORK           = 8;
72         /**
73          * Constant indicating an app log entry is associated with the client waiting to connect to the SUP server. Used in {@link AppLog.LogEntry}.
74          * @type number
75          */
76         AppLog.STATUS_EVENT_WAITING_TO_CONNECT       = 9;
78         /**
79          * Constant indicating an app log entry is associated with the client losing connection to the SUP server due to roaming. Used in {@link AppLog.LogEntry}.
80          * @type number
81          */
84         /**
85          * Constant indicating an app log entry is associated with the client losing connection to the SUP server due to low storage. Used in {@link AppLog.LogEntry}.
86          * @type number
87          */
90         /**
91          * Constant indicating an app log entry is associated with the client starting registration. Used in {@link AppLog.LogEntry}.
92          * @type number
93          */
96         /**
97          * Constant indicating an app log entry is associated with the client receiving a notification. Used in {@link AppLog.LogEntry}.
98          * @type number
99          */
102        /**
103         * Constant indicating an app log entry is associated with a default app being set from the server. Used in {@link AppLog.LogEntry}.
104         * @type number
105         */
106        AppLog.STATUS_EVENT_SET_DEFAULT_ITEM         = 14;
108        /**
109         * Constant indicating an app log entry is associated with a default app being unset from the server. Used in {@link AppLog.LogEntry}.
110         * @type number
111         */
112        AppLog.STATUS_EVENT_UNSET_DEFAULT_ITEM       = 15;
114        /**
115         * This object represents a log entry.
116         *
117         * @class
118         * @public
119         * @memberOf AppLog
120         * @param {number} logDate The date the log entry was recorded, in milliseconds since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 GMT.
121         * @param {number} event The event ID of the log entry (will be one of the AppLog status events, or possibly a custom value).
122         * @param {string} msg The message of the log entry.
123         */
124        AppLog.LogEntry = function ( logDate, event, msg ) {
125  = logDate;
126           this.statusCode = event;
127           this.message = msg;
128        };
130        /**
131         * Call this function to get an array of {@link AppLog.LogEntry} objects. There will be one
132         * {@link AppLog.LogEntry} object for each line in the app log.
133         * 
134         * @public
135         * @memberOf AppLog
136         * @param {anonymous.getLogEntriesSuccessCallback} successCB The callback function that will receive the asynchronous
137         * callback with the log entries.
138         * @param {anonymous.getLogEntriesErrorCallback} errorCB The callback function that will be invoked on errors.
139         *
140         * @example
141         * // A global function called with the log entries.
142         * function onLogEntriesSuccessCallback(data) {
143         *    for ( var i = 0; i < data.length; i++ )
144         *    {
145         *       var logEntry = data[ i ];
146         *       alert('Log entry ' + ( i + 1 ) + ':\n' +
147         *             'Date (ms): ' + + '\n' +
148         *             'Status code: ' + logEntry.statusCode + '\n' +
149         *             'Message: ' + logEntry.message
150         *            );
151         *    }
152         * }
153         * 
154         * // A global function called if there is an error retrieving log entries.
155         * function onLogEntriesFailureCallback(error) {
156         *    alert('Error retrieving log entries: ' + error);
157         * }
158         *
159         * // Get the log entries
160         * AppLog.getLogEntries(onLogEntriesSuccessCallback, onLogEntriesFailureCallback);
161         */
162        AppLog.getLogEntries = function( successCB, errorCB ) {
163           try
164           {
165              cordova.exec( successCB, errorCB, "AppLog", "getLogEntries", [] );
166           }
167           catch (ex)
168           {
169              setTimeout( errorCB({errorCode : AppLog.ERR_UNKNOWN, description : ex.message}), 0 );
170           }
171        }
173        /**
174         * Registers a log listener.
175         * 
176         * @public
177         * @memberOf AppLog
178         * @param {anonymous.startOrStopLogListenerSuccessCallback} successCB A callback function that will be invoked
179         * if the log listener is successfully registered.
180         * @param {anonymous.startOrStopLogListenerErrorCallback} errorCB A callback function that will be invoked if there
181         * is an error registering the log listener.
182         * @param {anonymous.logListener} logListener The callback to register. This will be invoked when new entries are added to the log.
183         * @param {Object} [containingObject] Object containing the definition for logListener. If a log listener callback function
184         * references variables in its containing object, then the containing object should be passed to this function.
185         *
186         * @example
187         * // This example shows how to use this function with a globally-scoped logListener.
188         * // A global function called by the log listener.
189         * var doSomething = function()
190         * {
191         *    alert("this gets displayed when there is a new log entry.");
192         * }
193         *
194         * // The log listener callback function that will be passed to AppLog.startLogListener.
195         * // This function will be invoked whenever there is a new log entry.
196         * var logListener = function( date, statusCode, message )
197         * {
198         *    doSomething();
199         * }
200         * 
201         * function onStartLogListenerSuccessCallback() {
202         *    // Do something here after listener has been added
203         * }
204         *
205         * function onStartLogListenerFailureCallback(error) {
206         *    // React to error here
207         * }
208         *
209         * // Add the log listener.
210         * AppLog.startLogListener( onStartLogListenerSuccessCallback,
211         *                          onStartLogListenerFailureCallback,
212         *                          logListener );
213         *
214         * @example
215         * // This example shows how to use this function with a logListener contained in an object.
216         * // logListenerManager is an object that will contain the listener callback as well
217         * // as a function that will be invoked from the listener callback function.
218         * var logListenerManager = {};
219         *
220         * // This is a function that is called from the listener callback.
221         * logListenerManager.doSomething = function()
222         * {
223         *    alert("this gets displayed when there is a new log entry.");
224         * }
225         *
226         * // This is the listener callback that will be passed to AppLog.startLogListener.
227         * // Since a variable is referenced from the containing object, the containing object
228         * // will need to be passed to AppLog.startLogListener.
229         * logListenerManager.listener = function( date, statusCode, message )
230         * {
231         *    this.doSomething();
232         * }
233         *
234         * function onStartLogListenerSuccessCallback() {
235         *    // Do something here after listener has been added
236         * }
237         *
238         * function onStartLogListenerFailureCallback(error) {
239         *    // React to error here
240         * }
241         *
242         * // Pass both the listener callback and the containing object.
243         * AppLog.startLogListener( onStartLogListenerSuccessCallback,
244         *                          onStartLogListenerFailureCallback,
245         *                          logListenerManager.listener,
246         *                          logListenerManager );
247         */
248        AppLog.startLogListener = function( successCB, errorCB, logListener, containingObject ) {
249           try
250           {
251              if ( !logListener || ( typeof logListener !== "function" ) )
252              {
253                 throw new Error( "AppLog.startLogListener Error: logListener is not a function" );
254              }
256              var newListener = new AppLog.logListenerCallBack( logListener, containingObject );
257              AppLog.logListeners_internal.push( newListener );
258              if ( AppLog.logListeners_internal.length === 1 )
259              {
260                 cordova.exec( successCB, errorCB, "AppLog", "startLogListener", [] );
261              }
262              else
263              {
264                 setTimeout( successCB(), 0 );
265              }
266           }
267           catch (ex)
268           {
269              setTimeout( errorCB( {errorCode : AppLog.ERR_UNKNOWN, description : ex.message} ), 0 ) ;
270           }
271        }
273        /**
274         * Removes a log listener. This function should be called with identical parameters that were used
275         * when adding the log listener with {@link AppLog.startLogListener}.
276         *
277         * @param {anonymous.startOrStopLogListenerSuccessCallback} successCB A callback function that will be invoked
278         * if the log listener is successfully removed.
279         * @param {anonymous.startOrStopLogListenerErrorCallback} errorCB A callback function that will be invoked if there
280         * is an error removing the log listener.
281         * @param {anonymous.logListener} logListener The callback that was added with {@link AppLog.startLogListener}.
282         * @param {Object} [containingObject] Object containing the definition for logListener.
283         * @public
284         * @memberOf AppLog
285         *
286         * @example
287         * // This example shows how to use this function with a globally-scoped logListener.
288         * // A global function called by the log listener.
289         * var doSomething = function()
290         * {
291         *    alert("this gets displayed when there is a new log entry.");
292         * }
293         *
294         * // The log listener callback function that will be passed to AppLog.startLogListener.
295         * // This function will be invoked whenever there is a new log entry.
296         * var logListener = function( date, statusCode, message )
297         * {
298         *    doSomething();
299         * }
300         *
301         * function onStartLogListenerSuccessCallback() {
302         *    // Do something here after listener has been added
303         * }
304         *
305         * function onStartLogListenerFailureCallback(error) {
306         *    // React to error here
307         * }
308         *
309         * function onStopLogListenerSuccessCallback() {
310         *    // Do something here after listener has been removed
311         * }
312         *
313         * function onStopLogListenerFailureCallback(error) {
314         *    // React to error here
315         * }
316         *
317         * // Add the log listener.
318         * AppLog.startLogListener( onStartLogListenerSuccessCallback,
319         *                          onStartLogListenerFailureCallback,
320         *                          logListener );
321         *
322         * // At some other point if we want to remove the listener, we use the following line.
323         * AppLog.stopLogListener( onStopLogListenerSuccessCallback,
324         *                         onStopLogListenerFailureCallback,
325         *                         logListener );
326         *
327         * @example
328         * // This example shows how to use this function with a logListener contained in an object.
329         * // logListenerManager is an object that will contain the listener callback as well
330         * // as a function that will be invoked from the listener callback function.
331         * var logListenerManager = {};
332         *
333         * // This is a function that is called from the listener callback.
334         * logListenerManager.doSomething = function()
335         * {
336         *    alert("this gets displayed when there is a new log entry.");
337         * }
338         *
339         * // This is the listener callback that will be passed to AppLog.startLogListener.
340         * // Since a variable is referenced from the containing object, the containing object
341         * // will need to be passed to AppLog.startLogListener.
342         * logListenerManager.listener = function( date, statusCode, message )
343         * {
344         *    this.doSomething();
345         * }
346         *
347         * function onStartLogListenerSuccessCallback() {
348         *    // Do something here after listener has been added
349         * }
350         *
351         * function onStartLogListenerFailureCallback(error) {
352         *    // React to error here
353         * }
354         *
355         * function onStopLogListenerSuccessCallback() {
356         *    // Do something here after listener has been removed
357         * }
358         *
359         * function onStopLogListenerFailureCallback(error) {
360         *    // React to error here
361         * }
362         *
363         * // Pass both the listener callback and the containing object.
364         * AppLog.startLogListener( onStartLogListenerSuccessCallback,
365         *                          onStartLogListenerFailureCallback,
366         *                          logListenerManager.listener,
367         *                          logListenerManager );
368         *
369         * // At some other point if we want to remove the listener, we use the following line.
370         * AppLog.stopLogListener( onStopLogListenerSuccessCallback,
371         *                         onStopLogListenerFailureCallback,
372         *                         logListenerManager.listener,
373         *                         logListenerManager );
374         */
375        AppLog.stopLogListener = function( successCB, errorCB, logListener, containingObject ) {
376           try
377           {
378              if ( !logListener || ( typeof logListener !== "function" ) )
379              {
380                 throw new Error( "AppLog.stopLogListener Error: logListener is not a function" );
381              }
383              if ( AppLog.logListeners_internal.length > 0 )
384              {
385                 var foundListener = false;
386                 for ( var i = 0; i < AppLog.logListeners_internal.length; i++ )
387                 {
388                    var listener = AppLog.logListeners_internal[ i ];
389                    if ( listener.listener === logListener &&
390                         listener.containingObject === containingObject )
391                    {
392                       foundListener = true;
393                       AppLog.logListeners_internal.splice(i, 1);
394                    }
395                 }
397                 if ( !foundListener )
398                 {
399                    throw new Error( "AppLog.stopLogListener Error: logListener was not found. Nothing removed" );
400                 }
402                 if ( AppLog.logListeners_internal.length === 0 )
403                 {
404                    cordova.exec( null, null, "AppLog", "stopLogListener", [] );
405                 }
406                 else
407                 {
408                    setTimeout( successCB(), 0 );
409                 }
410              }
411              else
412              {
413                 throw new Error( "AppLog.stopLogListener Error: There are no registered listeners" );
414              }
415           }
416           catch (ex)
417           {
418              setTimeout( errorCB( {errorCode : AppLog.ERR_UNKNOWN, description : ex.message} ), 0 ) ;
419           }
420        }
422        /**
423         * @private
424         */
425        AppLog.logListenerCallBack = function( logListener, containingObject ) {
426           this.containingObject = containingObject;
427           this.listener = logListener;
428        }
429        AppLog.logListeners_internal = [];
431        /**
432         * @private
433         */
434        AppLog.logListener_internal = function( logEntry ) {
435           if (AppLog.logListeners_internal.length === 0)
436           {
437              return;
438           }
440           // The incoming date is number of millisecond, we need to change it to real JavaScript Date type.
441           var dateInJS = new Date(;
443           for (var i = 0; i < AppLog.logListeners_internal.length; i++)
444           {
445              var logCallBack = AppLog.logListeners_internal[ i ];
446              var containingObject = logCallBack.containingObject;
447              var callbackFunction = logCallBack.listener;
448              if (containingObject !== null && containingObject !== undefined)
449              {
450       , dateInJS, logEntry.statusCode, logEntry.message);
451              }
452              else
453              {
454                 callbackFunction(dateInJS, logEntry.statusCode, logEntry.message);
455              }
456           }
457        }
458     })(AppLog, window);
460     /**
461      * Used to group anonymous objects and callback functions used as method parameters. Methods and fields in this
462      * namespace cannot be instantiated. Used for API docs generation only.
463      * @namespace
464      */
465     anonymous = (typeof anonymous === "undefined" || !anonymous) ? {} : anonymous;
467     /**
468      * Callback function that will be invoked with all the entries in the app log. There will be one
469      * {@link AppLog.LogEntry} object for each line in the app log.
470      * Log entries can be retrieved with {@link AppLog.getLogEntries}.
471      *
472      * @name anonymous.getLogEntriesSuccessCallback
473      * @param {AppLog.LogEntry[]} data An array of AppLog.LogEntry objects.
474      * @function
475      */
477     /**
478      * Callback function that will be invoked when {@link AppLog.getLogEntries} fails.
479      *
480      * @name anonymous.getLogEntriesErrorCallback
481      * @param {anonymous.AppLogErrorCallbackParameter} data The error object.
482      * @function
483      */
485     /**
486      * Callback function that will be invoked upon successfully starting a log listener via {@link AppLog.startLogListener},
487      * or upon successfully removing a log listener via {@link AppLog.stopLogListener}.
488      *
489      * @name anonymous.startOrStopLogListenerSuccessCallback
490      * @function
491      */
493     /**
494      * Callback function that will be invoked upon failure to start a log listener via {@link AppLog.startLogListener},
495      * or upon failure to removing a log listener via {@link AppLog.stopLogListener}.
496      *
497      * @name anonymous.startOrStopLogListenerErrorCallback
498      * @param {anonymous.AppLogErrorCallbackParameter} data The error object.
499      * @function
500      */
502     /**
503      * Object used in {@link anonymous.getLogEntriesErrorCallback} and {@link anonymous.startOrStopLogListenerErrorCallback} functions.
504      *
505      * @class
506      * @name anonymous.AppLogErrorCallbackParameter
507      * @property {number} errorCode Predefined error code
508      * @property {string} description The description of the error
509      */
511     /**
512      * Callback function that will be invoked when events are logged to the app log. Log listeners can be added with {@link AppLog.startLogListener}.
513      *
514      * @name anonymous.logListener
515      * 
516      * @param {Date} date The date of the log entry.
517      * @param {number} event The event ID of the log entry (will be one of the AppLog status events, or possibly a custom value).
518      * @param {string} message The string carrying the message of the log entry.
519      * @function
520      */