Rebranding the BlackBerry Hybrid Web Container

Modify the strings used in the Brand class for the BlackBerry Hybrid Web Container.

Almost all company and product specific strings used in the Hybrid Web Container are accessed through the Brand class. 

  1. Open the file for editing.
  2. Make your modifications at the beginning of the main method (if you do not want to modify a default value, simply omit the line that changes it):
    Brand.OEM_COMPANY_NAME = "Your Company Name"; 
          Brand.OEM_FORMAL_COMPANY_NAME = "Your Formal
          Company Name"; 
          Brand.OEM_ROBIE_PRODUCT = "Your Name of the
          Brand.OEM_COPYRIGHT = "Your Copyright String";  
          Brand.OEM_CORPDIR_OB_NAME = "HybridAppList Title"; 
  3. Save the file.
  4. To change the title, which uses the string HybridWebContainer, that appears on the Hybrid Web Container settings Screen:
    1. In the Package Explorer view, right-click the BlackBerry application project and click Properties.
    2. In the Properties for pane, click BlackBerry Project.
    3. Click Application Descriptor.
    4. Click the Application tab and change the Title.
    5. In Package Explorer, right-click the BlackBerry_App_Descriptor.xml file and choose Open With > Text Edior.  
    6. Find the tag named Packaging and change the value of the OutputFileName to the name you used in step 4d.
      Note: Remove any spaces or dashes, since these are illegal characters for output files.
    7. Open the file for editing.
    8. Add this line at the beginning of the postEvent method:
      Brand.OEM_ENGINE_EXE_NAME = "HybridWebContainer"; 

      Replace HybridWebContainer with the name you used in step 4d.

      Note: If you modify Brand.OEM_HYBRIDAPP_APPID, you must have a matching Application ID in SAP Control Center.