BlackBerry Custom Look and Feel File

hybridapp_Custom.html defines the HTML structure for the BlackBerry custom look and feel.

Each screen has a div element block with a form element, and each form has a number of div child elements. The first div in the form has a span used to display help. The next div is a built-in element that can be used to find the top of the form. The last div is another built-in element that can be used to find the bottom of the form. All the divs in the form correspond to the controls put on that screen in the Hybrid App Designer. You might get, for example, a div that holds a label and a textbox (input element).

Example 1

This example shows a Hybrid App with this look and feel, without extraneous attributes:
  <body onload="hwc.onHybridAppLoad();">
    <div id="Department_createScreenDiv">
        <form name="Department_createForm" id="Department_createForm">
          <div class="customTopOfFormStyle"  ><span id="Department_createForm_help" class="help"></span></div>
          <div class="customTopOfFormStyle"   id="topOfDepartment_createForm"></div> 
          <div class="editbox">
            <label class="left" for="Department_create_dept_name_paramKey">Dept id:</label>
            <input class="right" type="text" id="Department_create_dept_name_paramKey"/><span id="Department_create_Department_create_dept_id_paramKey_help" class="help"></span>