Hiding the Listview on iPad

Hide the listview on the iPad when in landscape orientation so the Hybrid App opens in the full screen.

When the Hybrid Web Container runs on iPad, it uses a UISplitViewController to display its main views. The list of Hybrid Apps and messages occupies the left-hand view (the master view), while the Hybrid App contents occupy the right-hand view (the details view). By default, the master view hides away while the device is in the portrait orientation, and can be accessed using a button on the navigation bar. The master view is presented side-by-side with the detail view while the device is in the landscape orientation. To hide the listview when using landscape orientation so the Hybrid App opens in full screen, use the customization tag IOS_CUSTOMIZATION_POINT_IPAD_LIST_VIEW.

Note: This customization is not supported on iOS 4.3. On iOS 5.1 and later, this customization disables the ability to present the master view with a swipe gesture, which is enabled by default.
  1. In Xcode Project Navigator, find and open the CustomizationHelper.m file, which is located in the  Classes  group folder.
  2. Locate the shouldHideIpadListView function and change it so it returns YES.
  3. Rebuild the HWC.xcodeproj project.
    1. From the Xcode menu, select Product > Clean.
    2. Select Product > Build.