Error Handling

Usually, errors come from the Hybrid Web Container or from the back-end server side.

For online requests, when the error comes from the Hybrid Web Container, handle it in the errorCallback function, for example:

            	            function(errorMessage ) { 
                               //TODO: error occurred...

An error message passed as an incoming Hybrid App message in the user-defined function of processDataMessage is another type of error that comes from the back-end server. The incomingDataMessageValue should be similar to this:

<M><H><S>...<S/> ..<V k=”ErrorLogMessage” t=”T”>ERROR:......</V><V k=ErrorLogMessageAsList> ....</V>..</M>

hwc.processDataMessage = function processDataMessage (incomingDataMessageValue, noUI, loading, fromActivationFlow, dataType) {

   //// var workflowMessage = new WorkflowMessage(incomingWorkflowMessage);
   //if ( workflowMessage.getRequestAction() == Customer.findByPrimaryKeyAction ){
  //      var detailErrorMsg =   workflowMessage.getValues().getData(“ErrorLogMessage”).getValue();
   // }
