Sorting the List of Hybrid App Packages

Change the default sorting of the list of Hybrid App packages.

By default, the Hybrid Web Container displays Hybrid App package names in alphabetical order. This example changes the list to sort case-sensitively
  1. Add a HybridWebAppComparer class that uses the base class IComparer<HybridWebAppInfo>.
  2. Override the Compare method using:
    public int Compare(HybridWebAppInfo x, HybridWebAppInfo y)
      return string.Compare(x.DisplayName, y.DisplayName, false); 
  3. Open the CustomizationHelper class in the CustomCode folder.
  4. Override the HybridAppComparator method using:
    public override IComparer<HybridWebAppInfo> HybridAppComparator 
      get { return new HybridWebAppComparer(); } 
  5. Save the file.