Removing Fields from the Settings Screen

Customize the Settings screen to prevent certain settings from showing.

For example, you can preset the server port connection value, and then choose not to display that field in the Settings screen, bypassing the user’s ability to change or see that field. If you want this behavior, but you want the user to also see the property value, see Using Default Connection Settings.

All code areas associated with removing fields from the Settings screen are annotated with IOS_CUSTOMIZATION_POINT_PRESETSETTINGS.

Keep in mind that connection settings sometimes have more than one “internal” name because different developers may reference the same settings using different names, particularly in local variable names. For example:
  • server name = server id
  • company id = farm id
  • activation code = validation code
  1. In the Xcode project, in the Project Navigator, expand Resources > Settings.bundle and open the Root.plist file.
  2. Delete the dictionary item that corresponds to the setting to remove from the Settings screen.
    For example, to remove the server port setting, delete the Text Field item with the title ServerPortSetting.
  3. Save the file.
  4. Rebuild the HWC.xcodeproj project.
    1. From the Xcode menu, select Product > Clean.
    2. Select Product > Build.
  5. For each property you remove from the Settings screen, you need to provide a way to configure that property.
    See Using Default Connection Settings.