Setting a Fixed Port Number for SySAM License Server

To use a served license when there are no ports available, you can edit the license file to specify a fixed port number.

The VENDOR SYBASE daemon is a license management process that runs on SAP Mobile Platform hosts. It normally uses a dynamically assigned port to communicate with the SySAM license server.

This task is required when SAP Mobile Platform is deployed in an environment in which there are no available ports in the 27000 – 27009 range for the licensing server to dynamically assign.

  1. Obtain a port number that SAP Mobile Platform can use to communicate with the SySAM license server.
  2. Back up the license file.
  3. Use a text editor to open the license file, and locate the VENDOR SYBASE line, near the top of the file.
  4. At the end of that line, type PORT= followed by the port number you obtained.

    For example, if you use port 27010, enter:


    You must leave a space between "SYBASE" and "PORT."

  5. Save and close the license file.