Silent Uninstallation

Use the SilentUninstall_Win.bat script to automate the uninstallation process. The SAP Mobile SDK uninstaller runs silently, taking input from the SilentUninstall_Win.txt file.

The silent uninstallation capability allows you to perform uninstallation of SAP Mobile SDK, without entering information through the uninstaller interface.

When you run a silent installation, the SilentUninstall_Win.bat script and SilentUninstall_Win.txt configuration file are copied to the SMP_HOME\Uninstaller directory, where SMP_HOME represents the SAP Mobile SDK installation directory, down to the MobileSDKXXX folder. If you did not run a silent installation, you must:

Note: The SAP Mobile SDK uninstaller can only uninstall SDK components. The SAP Mobile Platform Runtime requires a different uninstaller for the server components.