Planning a Silent Uninstallation

Move and modify the SilentUninstall_Win.bat file.

  1. Move the SilentUninstall_Win.bat to a temporary location outside of the SAP Mobile SDK installation tree.

    For example, C:\temp.

    Note: The current location of the SilentUninstall_Win.bat file should be the SMP_HOME\Uninstaller directory, where either a silent installation placed it or you copied it earlier. (SMP_HOME represents the SAP Mobile SDK installation directory, down to the MobileSDKXXX folder.)
  2. Use a text editor to open the SilentUninstall_Win.bat file, and change the line beginning with cd as follows.

    Line before change:

    cd /d %~dp0

    Line after change:

    cd /d SMP_HOME\Uninstaller

    where SMP_HOME represents the SAP Mobile SDK installation directory, down to the MobileSDKXXX folder.