Configuring State Manager as a Service

Set up the State Manager process to run as a service on the Relay Server host.

This task uses the dbsvc utility on the Web server host, which is installed from the Relay Server archive file, supplied on the SAP Mobile Platform Runtime installation media.

  1. Open a command shell window, and set the current directory to the location of the dbsvc executable.
  2. Enter the following at the prompt.
    • IIS host (Windows)

      dbsvc -as -s auto -t rshost -w SUPRelayServer "C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\ias_relay_server\Server\rshost.exe" -q -qc -f "C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\ias_relay_server\Server\rs.config" -o "C:\SAP\logs\rs.log"

      Note: The log file path you specify with -o must exist, before you invoke dbsvc.
    • Apache host (Linux)

      dbsvc -y -a apache_user -t rshost -w SUPRelayServer -q -qc -f /apache_install/modules/rs.config -os 100K -ot /tmp/rs.log

    Substitute parameter values shown here to match your configuration.

    This command configures the State Manager process (rshost) as a service.

  3. To start the State Manager service:
    • From the Windows Services Control Panel, right-click SQL Anywhere - SUPRelayServer and select Start.

    • From a Linux command shell:
      1. Make sure the State Manager service runs under the same user credentials as the Apache service.
      2. Change the current directory to:
        • IIS host (Windows) C:\Inetpubs\wwwroot\ias_relay_server\Server
        • Apache host (Linux) /apache_install/modules/
      3. At the command prompt, enter:

        dbsvc -u SUPRelayServer

    • You can stop the State Manager service either from the Windows Services control panel, or by entering the following at a command shell prompt:

      dbsvc -x SUPRelayServer

    • You can uninstall the State Manager service by entering the following at a command shell prompt:

      dbsvc -d SUPRelayServer