Configuring IIS 6 for Relay Server

Use the IIS Manager Console to configure IIS 6 for Relay Server.

  1. Start the IIS Manager Console.
  2. Create a Relay Server application pool.
    1. Right-click Application Pools and create a new application pool.
    2. Right-click the newly created application pool and select Properties to edit its properties.
    3. Open the Performance tab, and deselect Shutdown Worker Processes After Being Idle.
    4. Open the Recycling tab, and deselect Recycle Worker Processes (In Minutes).
  3. Enable Web extensions for Relay Server.
    1. Right-click the newly created Web site,  ias_relay_server, and select Properties to edit its properties.
    2. Open the Directory tab.
    3. Set execute permissions to Scripts And Executables.
    4. Click Create under Application Settings.
    5. Select the Relay Server application pool you created.
    6. Under Web Service Extensions, select Add New Web Service Extensions, enter Extension Name and Request Files, and select Set Extension Status to Allowed, to allow both rs_server.dll and rs_client.dll to be run as ISAPI.
  4. Configure IIS for SAP Mobile Platform Runtime device clients to communicate with Relay Server:
    1. Navigate to \Inetpub\AdminScripts.
    2. Run the following console command:
      cscript adsutil.vbs set w3svc/1/uploadreadaheadsize 0 iisreset

    If you do not perform this configuration step, you see:

    Could not connect to the Server. Session did not complete.
  5. Enable anonymous access, using an appropriate user name and password for an administrative group, or using build-user IUSR_%computername% for directory security.

    Grant permission for the user to access the IIS metabase:

    C:\Windows\Microsoft.Net\Framework\<Version>\aspnet_regiis.exe -ga IUSR_%computername%