Migrating BlackBerry Applications (JDE Project) to 2.2

Migrate BlackBerry Object API applications from 2.1 ESD #3 to version 2.2 using a BlackBerry JDE project.

These steps use an example that demonstrates the new BlackBerry signing API method.

To learn more about the BlackBerry Password Based Code Signing Authority on which the API is based, and about the parameter Signer Id: http://supportforums.blackberry.com/t5/Java-Development/Protect-persistent-objects-from-access-by-unauthorized/ta-p/524282

  1. Download the BlackBerry signer tool, and install it in your development environment: https://swdownloads.blackberry.com/Downloads/entry.do?code=D82118376DF344B0010F53909B961DB3.
  2. After installing the signer tool, generate a new key file (for example: suptest.key).
  3. Create a BlackBerry library project in the IDE, add sup_client2.jar to the project, and then build it.
  4. Create an empty BlackBerry project in the IDE:
    1. Navigate to Configure Build Path, and import JAR files:
      • UltraliteJ12.jar
      • ULjDatabaseTransfer.jar
    2. Navigate to the Project Dependencies tab, and check the library project.
  5. Copy the generated key file (for example, suptest.key to the project root folder.
  6. In your application source code, set the new key file (suptest in this example):
    com.sybase.mobile.Application.getInstance().setApplicationIdentifier(end2end.test.Const.ApplicationIdentifier, "suptest");
  7. Build your project, and run the application on a simulator to test it.
  8. When you are ready to run the application on a real device, sign the .cod files using the signature tool. After you sign the .cod files with the BlackBerry signature tool, use the File Signer that you installed in step 1 to sign the .cod file again.
  9. Install the cod files on the device using provisioning procedures, and run the application.