Migrate Hybrid Apps to JavaScript API

There have been some ongoing changes to the JavaScript API for Hybrid Apps to accommodate new Hybrid Web Container functionality, and make it more flexible and easy to use. These changes were first made available in version 2.2, and became the default generation method in version 2.2 SP02.

Existing applications can still use the older generated JavaScript API; if you want to use the new Hybrid Web Container functionality or the new API, there are certain steps you must perform to successfully migrate existing applications.

The new JavaScript API includes:

Although the new files were available for 2.2 SP01, they were not used as the default generation option. Beginning with 2.2 SP02, the Hybrid App Designer began to directly support the new Hybrid Web Container functionality, and therefore the new JavaScript API became the default in the generation wizard.

In this way, the Hybrid App Designer could move forward with the updated JavaScript API, while still allowing previously written apps to successfully migrate without changes, giving developers the choice to generate the backward-compatible API from earlier versions.
Note: When you generate an application that was developed using the older API, be sure to enable the Use backwards-compatible API for generation (deprecated) option, under the Advanced Options section of the generation wizard.