Migrate Mobile Business Objects

You must complete the steps below to migrate 2.2 SP02 mobile business objects (MBOs) to SAP Mobile Platform version 2.3.

If you are migrating from a version earlier than 2.2 SP02, see Developer Guide: Migrating to SAP Mobile SDK 2.2 SP02 on Product Documentation, the Migrate Mobile Business Object section: http://infocenter.sybase.com/help/topic/com.sybase.infocenter.dc01857.0222/doc/html/mqu1352843142355.html
  1. From Eclipse, point to the existing MBO project's workspace.
  2. Ensure connection profiles referenced by the MBO projects are in place or imported, and enterprise information system (EIS) data sources associated with those connection profiles can be connected.
  3. Once SAP Mobile WorkSpace is started, open the Mobile Application Diagram. This automatically triggers the Mobile Application project migration.