Agentry Features

New and changed features for Agentry development.

Dynamic Screen Enable

You can now define screen sets that contain multiple screens to dynamically display or hide those screens at runtime on the client via a rule that is evaluated by the platform definition.

Documented in: Developer Guide: Agentry Language Reference, see List Screen

Screen Selection Rule

A rule attribute supports the ability to display one of a selection of screens within the parent screen set. This is intended for use with transaction and fetch screen sets where one of the screens within the screen set is displayed based on the return value of the rule, which is expected to be the name of the screen to display. This allows for one of multiple different screens to be displayed for transaction or fetch data capture that is based on some condition.

Documented in: Developer Guide: Agentry Language Reference, see Action Step Type: List Selection

Calendar Control Support (Android and iOS)

The Calendar detail screen field edit type is now fully supported on both iOS and Android client platforms.

Documented in: