Enabling JPDA

Set up JPDA and attach the Java standard debugger to SAP Mobile Server.

  1. Stop SAP Mobile Server.
  2. Add JPDA information from SAP Control Center:
    1. Select Servers > ServerName > Server Configuration.
    2. Select the General tab.
    3. Add this information to the value of the User options property. In this example 5005 is the port to which the Java debugger connects:
      -Xdebug -Xnoagent -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=5005 
  3. Restart SAP Mobile Server.
  4. Once SAP Mobile Server is restarted, verify that JPDA mode is working and available at port 5005 by running:
    netstat -ano | findstr 5005 from a command prompt.
    Look for these results:
  5. Use a standard Java debugger and attach it to SAP Mobile Server by specifying the correct host and the JPDA port used.
Begin debugging the result filter class with the Java debugger.