Composite Operation Data Flow

Understand how a composite operation together with an operation cache policy merges client-provided parameters with merged results and applies them to the SAP Mobile Server cache to create, add, and delete results for a composite object graph.

The data model/use case described here focuses on variations in the way that a composite graph can be modified on the client and the implications of each modification type on SAP Mobile Server processing. The Order, Item and ItemNote entities that form the data model are used for examples. The client application updates, creates, or deletes one or more nodes in the composite graph and then submits the replay operation to SAP Mobile Server, which constructs the composite MBO graph, binds the graph to the EIS invocation parameters and invokes the REST service. The composite operations are configured to immediately "Apply merge of operation input/output", so the cache is refreshed with the current EIS version of the graph after the EIS operation is invoked.


