AutoCommit Option for JDBC MBOs Using an ASE Data Source

When you create MBOs from Adaptive Server® Enterprise stored procedures that use temporary tables, you must select the AutoCommit check box in the New Attributes or New Operation definition screen.

An error message displays in SAP Mobile WorkSpace if AutoCommit is not selected. For example, create a temporary table named “tempstores”in this stored procedure:
	create table tempstores (temp_row_id integer, temp_id integer )
	insert tempstores select 1, 1 
    insert tempstores select 2, 2 
    insert tempstores select 3, 3 
    select temp_row_id, temp_id from tempstores group by temp_row_id
    drop table tempstores
If this stored procedure is used to model an MBO (attributes and operations), when you preview an operation, this error message displays:
The 'CREATE TABLE' command is not allowed within a multi-statement transaction
in the 'tempdb' database.