Importing Libraries and Code

Create a specific directory structure, within your Eclipse project, containing the library resources needed to compile your Android client code.

  1. In your SAP Mobile WorkSpace project, create a libs directory.
  2. Copy the following library and JAR files from SMP_HOME\MobileSDK23\ObjectAPI\Android into the libs directory within your project, retaining the same structure:
    Location Files
    • SMP_HOME\MobileSDK23\ObjectAPI\Android
    • AfariaSSL.jar
    • ClientLib.jar
    • sup-client.jar
    • UltraLiteJNI12.jar
    • SMP_HOME\MobileSDK23\ObjectAPI\Android\armeabi
  3. Select Project > Properties > Java Build Path. On the Libraries tab, add the libraries to the project.
  4. Click on the active target, and modify the Header Search Path from Building Settings.
    Specify the path to the location where you copied the include files, and select the Recursive checkbox. The header files in the client library are grouped into subdirectories public and internal, so the recursive option is required.