Tracing APIs

The SQL tracing API enables tracing of client database operations, and message headers sent to and received from the SAP Mobile Server. The API is configured in the connection profile and synchronization profile.

SUPConnectionProfile *cp = [SMP101SMP101DB getConnectionProfile];

// To enable trace of client database operations (SQL statements, etc.)
[cp enableTrace:YES];

// To enable trace of client database operations with values also displayed
[cp enableTrace:YES withPayload:YES];

// To disable trace of client database operations
[cp enableTrace:NO];

// To enable trace of message headers sent to the server and received from the server
// (this replaces the MBODebugLogger and MBODebugSettings used in earlier versions of SAP Mobile Platform)
[cp.syncProfile enableTrace:YES];

// To enable trace of both message headers and content, including credentials
[cp.syncProfile enableTrace:YES withPayload:YES];

// To disable messaging trace
[cp.syncProfile enableTrace:NO];