Starting the DirectConnect Server

Start a DirectConnect server using DirectConnect Manager, the DCStart utility, or the DCDirector utility (for DCDirector servers only).

Note: For starting a server, Sybase recommends that you use the DCDirector server through DirectConnect Manager.

Option Description
DirectConnect Manager Go to the DirectConnect Manager online help to start a DirectConnect server. Select Server Administration > Starting a Server.

Before you can use DirectConnect Manager, you must have installed DirectConnect Manager as outlined in the installation guide for your platform, and you must also identify and establish a connection between the server and DirectConnect Manager. This is described in the topic Connecting to DirectConnect Manager to a DirectConnect Server of the DirectConnect Manager online help.

DCStart utility This utility is similar to the direct executable. DCStart automatically sources the appropriate /<install_dir>/DC-15_0/DC_SYBASE.csh (UNIX) file, or runs the appropriate C:\<install_dir>\DC-15_0\DC_SYBASE.bat (Windows) file to ensure that all the appropriate Sybase-specific environment variables are set.
Related tasks
Creating and Starting a DCDirector Server