Creating a DirectConnect Server

Create a directed server using DirectConnect Manager and a nondirected server using the AddServer utility.

Option Description
DirectConnect Manager Go to the DirectConnect Manager online help to create a directed server. Select Server Administration > Creating a DirectConnect server.

Before you can use DirectConnect Manager, you must install it, and identify and establish a connection between the server and DirectConnect Manager. See the installation guide for your platform, and Connecting DirectConnect Manager to a DirectConnect Server in the DirectConnect Manager online help.

AddServer utility To create a nondirected server using the AddServer utility, see the Enterprise Connect Data Access Installation Guide for your platform.
AddServer creates the necessary entries in the interfaces or sql.ini file before starting the DirectConnect server. AddServer requires two parameters:
  • The name of the new server

  • The port number for the server to listen on

One important limitation of AddServer is that it does not check the interfaces or sql.ini file for duplicate directed and nondirected server names or ports.