Transaction Template

Use the Transaction Template option to send out transaction receipts of financial transactions. Transaction receipts are sent out to the payer or payee of the transaction via e-mail and SMS messages based on the individual customer preferences and the data in the template.

Field Description
Use Case Indicates the use case for this configuration.
Template Indicates the name of the template as available in the message gateway.
Payer Indicates if this configuration is for the payer or the payee of the transaction.
Active Indicates if the configuration is active.
Org Unit Indicates the organizational unit of the customer who participated in the transaction.
Transaction Status Indicates the status of the transaction for which to send out a message.
Test Indicates if this template should be sent out as a test or for real transactions.
Error Code Defines the error code for which to send out a message. You can use three different values:
  • 0 – indicates success messages
  • N – indicates a message for a particular error
  • -1 – indicates a catch-all for error codes that have not been defined