Local Development Environment Setup

This procedure is required when upgrading from Mobiliser Platform 5.1 SP01 to 5.1 SP02. The current service pack comes with additional files, which help you to set up a local development environment.

Customization Project Template

A sample customization project that holds samples for the most common customization tasks is located in the customization project in the distribution at tools/com.sybase365.mobiliser.dist.project-<VERSION>-customization.zip. If you extract that archive, you get a ready-to-build project that generates a dozen custom Mobiliser Platform bundles, and builds a Mobiliser Platform container that holds these custom bundles on top of a plain Mobiliser container.


For the custom Mobiliser Platform build to work, you need to set up a full local development environment. Recommendations include a source control system such as Subversion, a continuous integration server such as Jenkins, and a Maven repository server such as Nexus to manage your dependencies.

However, you can use other tools to manage your build environment. You can use any other mechanism to implement against the Mobiliser Platform APIs and package bundles for inclusion in the Mobiliser Platform container. However, using the recommended tools gives you a head-start of having some ready-to-go templates.

Initializing a Local Nexus Repository Server

For the customization project to build successfully, you need to configure a Maven repository server that holds all the required Mobiliser Platform artifacts, which are not accessible through public Maven repositories. Use the provided tool to load a Nexus server with all Mobiliser Platform artifacts that are part of the distribution. The upload script is located at tools/com.sybase365.mobiliser.dist.tools-<VERSION>.jar.

To run the upload, execute:

java -jar com.sybase365.mobiliser.dist.tools-<VERSION>.jar ./dependencies.properties ../ http://localhost/nexus repo admin password
Tip: You can also run the tool without any parameters to get help on the parameters printed on the console.
  1. The first argument must point to the property file holding the metadata on all Mobiliser Platform artifacts. It is included in the tools directory as well.
  2. The second parameter must point to the root directory of where you have extracted the Mobiliser Platform distribution ZIP file.
  3. The third parameter points to your Nexus server URL.
  4. The fourth parameter is the name of the Nexus repository to which to upload the Mobiliser Platform dependencies. Create a dedicated repository on your server to host the Mobiliser Platform artifacts.
  5. The fifth parameter is the Nexus user name that has upload privilege.
  6. The sixth parameter is the user's password.
In addition, you need to include other public repositories for common open source libraries. The easiest way is to create a new group on your Nexus server that lists the following in the specified order. Be sure your local Maven settings configuration point to that Nexus group.
  1. Maven Central (http://maven.apache.org/ref/3.0.5/maven-settings/settings.html)
  2. Spring Enterprise External (http://ebr.springsource.com/repository/app/)
  3. Mobiliser Platform Repository