Generating JavaScript MBO Access API

Generate JavaScript API for MBOs to use in your custom code.

The generated API automatically includes, and utilizes, the Container APIs, along with the message manipulation APIs from the AppFramework portion of the Mobile SDK. The wizard also generates the WorkflowClient.xml file, which is required to support those functions.

Note: The generated WorkflowClient.xml file does not include a completed Notification, so if you want a server-initiated Hybrid App, you must do this by hand.
  1. In WorkSpace Navigator, right-click the Mobile Application project for which to generate the JavaScript, and choose Generate Hybrid App API.
  2. In the tree view, select the MBOs for which to generate the JavaScript.
  3. Accept the default location for the files, or specify the location for the generated files and click Finish.
    By default, the wizard creates a Generated Hybrid App folder under the project, and a subfolder named APIs.
Related concepts
Cached Data
Related tasks
Implementing the Cached Data Pattern for MBO-based Hybrid Apps
Related reference
Generated Hybrid App Files