Running the Sample Project

You can run the RAP sample project using ESP Studio, the command line, and Sybase Control Center.

To run the RAP sample project using Studio, import the project into Studio after you start Studio for the first time. For information on importing and managing projects in Studio, including starting projects and adapters, see the Event Stream Processor Studio Users Guide.

You can run the RAP sample project using the command line. For information on starting a project and adapters using command-line utilities, see the Event Stream Processor Utilities Guide.

The instructions below provide high-level guidance on the tasks required to start a RAP sample project using SCC. Detailed information on each particular task is provided in the SCC online help, which viewable from the Help menu in SCC.

  1. Start Sybase Control Center.
  2. Log on to your desired account.
  3. Register an ESP node. See Registering an ESP Node in the online help for information on how to do this.
  4. Authenticate the node. See Authenticating an ESP Node in the online help for information on how to do this.
  5. Register and authenticate a Sybase Control Center agent for the node. See the Registering and Authenticating a Sybase Control Center Agent in the online help for information on how to do this.
  6. In the Perspective Resources view, select the node and select Resource > Administration Console.
  7. In the left pane of the Administration Console, expand ESP Nodes and select Projects.
  8. In the right pane of the Administration Console, select the "RAP" project belonging to the "default" workspace, click the arrow, and select Start Project....
  9. In the left pane of the Administration Console, expand ESP Nodes and select Adapters.
  10. In the right pane of the Administration Console, select the StockQuoteInAdapter, click the arrow, and select Start Adapter....
  11. Select the StockTradeInAdapter, click the arrow, and select Start Adapter....
    The RAP sample project is now running and data is flowing through the model.