Upgrading Replication Agent for Oracle to 15.7.1 ESD #2

Upgrade Replication Agent for Oracle to version 15.7.1 ESD #2.

  1. Create the 15.7.1 ESD #2 version of all valid existing Replication Agent instances.
    Note: This step creates new Replication Agent 15.7.1 ESD #2 instances for all valid existing Oracle instances of the earlier version of Replication Agent. If you do not want to run a newly created instance on this host, simply delete the new instance directory.
    1. On UNIX, set the SYBASE environment variables by changing to the SYBASE directory in which Replication Agent 15.7.1 ESD #2 is installed and sourcing the SYBASE script:
      • For C Shell: source SYBASE.csh

      • For Bourne or Korn shell: . SYBASE.sh

    2. Change to the Replication Agent bin directory:
      • On UNIX:

        cd $SYBASE/RAX-15_5/bin
      • On Windows:

        cd %SYBASE%\RAX-15_5\bin
      Note: The Replication Agent directory name for release 15.5 and later is RAX-15_5.
    3. Create new versions of all valid existing instances:
      rao_admin init
  2. Run the $SYBASE/RAX-15_5/<instance>/RUN_<instance> script and log in to the Replication Agent 15.7.1 ESD #2 instance. Migrate the Replication Agent metadata by issuing the ra_migrate command.