Resetting the Replication Agent Administrator Password

Reset the Replication Agent administrator password to a new value.

  1. Stop the Replication Agent instance, and it may be necessary to kill the process.
  2. Log in to the Replication Agent administration port.
  3. Reset the password for administrator:
    rao_admin –reset inst_name [,-uid username, -pwd new_pwd]   
    • inst_name is the name of the Replication Agent instance.
    • username is the Replication Agent administrator user name.
    • new_pwd is a new password that complies with the password security requirements.
    Note: The parameter -uid and -pwd are optional on the command-line. You will be prompted to provide them if they are not included in the command.
  4. Restart the Replication Agent instance.
  5. Check the Replication Agent log file to verify that the Replication Agent instance has started successfully:
    • (UNIX or Linux)
    • (Windows)