sp_iqsysmon Procedure

Monitors multiple components of SAP Sybase IQ, including the management of buffer cache, memory, threads, locks, I/O functions, and CPU utilization.

Batch Mode Syntax

sp_iqsysmon start_monitor
sp_iqsysmon stop_monitor [, 'section(s)' ]
sp_iqsysmon 'time-period' [, 'section(s)' ]

File Mode Syntax

sp_iqsysmon start_monitor, 'filemode' [, 'monitor-options' ]
sp_iqsysmon stop_monitor

Batch Mode Parameters

Note: The SAP Sybase IQ components Disk I/O and Lock Manager are not currently supported by sp_iqsysmon.

File Mode Parameters


You must have EXECUTE privilege on the system procedure, as well as the MONITOR system privilege.


Report Sections or IQ Components to be Reported On Abbreviation to Type
Buffer allocation

(main) – mbufalloc

(temporary) – tbufalloc

Buffer manager

(main) – mbufman

(temporary) – tbufman

Buffer pool

(main) – mbufpool

(temporary) – tbufpool

Catalog statistics catalog
CPU utilization cpu
Free list management

(main)– mfreelist

(temporary) – tfreelist

Memory management memory
Prefetch management

(main)– mprefetch

(temporary)– tprefetch

IQ RLV In-Memory Store statistics rlv
Large Memory Allocator (LMA) statistics lma
Server context statistics server
Thread management threads
Transaction management txn

The sp_iqsysmon stored procedure monitors multiple components of SAP Sybase IQ, including the management of buffer cache, memory, threads, locks, I/O functions, and CPU utilization.

The sp_iqsysmon procedure supports two modes of monitoring:
  • Batch modesp_iqsysmon collects the monitor statistics for the period between starting and stopping the monitor or for the time period specified in the time-period parameter. At the end of the monitoring period, sp_iqsysmon displays a list of consolidated statistics.

    sp_iqsysmon in batch mode is similar to the SAP Adaptive Server® Enterprise procedure sp_sysmon.

  • File modesp_iqsysmon writes the sample statistics in a log file for every interval period between starting and stopping the monitor.

    The first display in file mode shows the counters from the start of the server. Subsequent displays show the difference from the previous display.

    sp_iqsysmon in file mode is similar to the IQ UTILITIES command START MONITOR and STOP MONITOR interface.

Batch Mode Syntax Example

Example 1:

Starts the monitor in batch mode and displays all sections for the main and temporary stores:

sp_iqsysmon start_monitor
sp_iqsysmon stop_monitor

Example 2:

Starts the monitor in batch mode and displays the Buffer Manager and Buffer Pool statistics for the main store:

sp_iqsysmon start_monitor
sp_iqsysmon stop_monitor 'mbufman mbufpool'

Example 3:

Prints monitor information after 10 minutes:

sp_iqsysmon '00:10:00'

Example 4:

Prints only the Memory Manager section of the sp_iqsysmon report after 5 minutes:

sp_iqsysmon '00:05:00', memory

Example 5:

Starts the monitor, executes two procedures and a query, stops the monitor, then prints only the Buffer Manager section of the report:

sp_iqsysmon start_monitor
     execute proc1
     execute proc2
     select sum(total_sales) from titles
     sp_iqsysmon stop_monitor, bufman

Example 6:

Prints only the Main Buffer Manager and Main Buffer Pool sections of the report after 2 minutes:

sp_iqsysmon '00:02:00', 'mbufman mbufpool'

Example 7:

Prints only the RLV sections of the report after 1 hour:

sp_iqsysmon '01:00:00','rlv' 

Example 8:

Prints only the LMA sections of the report after 5 seconds:

sp_iqsysmon '00:00:05', 'lma'

Example 9:

Runs the monitor in batch mode for 10 seconds and displays the consolidated statistics at the end of the time period:

sp_iqsysmon '00:00:10', 'mbufpool memory'

File Mode Syntax Example

Example 1:

Truncates and writes information to the log file every 2 seconds between starting the monitor and stopping the monitor:

sp_iqsysmon start_monitor, 'filemode', '-interval 2'
     sp_iqsysmon stop_monitor

Example 2:

Appends output for only the Main Buffer Manager and Memory Manager sections to an ASCII file with the name dbname.connid-testmon. For the database iqdemo, writes results in the file iqdemo.2-testmon:

sp_iqsysmon start_monitor, 'filemode',
     '-file_suffix testmon -append -section mbufman memory'
     sp_iqsysmon stop_monitor

Example 3:

Prints only the RLV and LMA sections of the report:

sp_iqsysmon start_monitor,'filemode','-section rlv lma'
     sp_iqsysmon stop_monitor

Example 4:

Starts the monitor in file mode and writes statistics for Main Buffer Pool and Memory Manager to the log file every 5 seconds:

sp_iqsysmon start_monitor, ‘filemode’, '-interval 5 -section mbufpool memory'
sp_iqsysmon stop_monitor