Monitoring RLV Memory Usage

Monitor system-wide RLV memory use and/or per table memory use.

  1. Monitor system-wide RLV memory use with the sp_iqstatus stored procedure.
    Row Name Description
    RLV memory limit The memory limit as specified by sp_iqrlvmemory stored procedure or sa_server_option RLV_memory_mb
    RLV memory used Amount of RLV store memory used. 
    Note: Memory used may legally exceed the memory limit during a merge of the RLV and main stores.
  2. Monitor per-table RLV memory use with the sp_iqrlvmemory stored procedure for a specified owner and table name. 
    The procedure outputs one row per table consuming RLV memory.
    Output Column Description
    table_id ID of the table this row represents
    fragments number of store fragments for this table
    total total RLV memory used by this table
    data RLV memory used to store the table data
    dictionary RLV memory used to store the dictionaries for this table
    bitmap RLV memory used to store table level bitmaps
    Note: Version-specific data, such as version bitmaps and on-demand indexes, do not count against the RLV memory limit and are not reported in sp_iqrlvmemory. sp_iqrlvmemory accepts optional parameters for owner name and table name which limit the output to a single row.
    sp_iqrlvmemory 'RLV_table','DBA'
Related tasks
Configuring RLV Store Memory Size
Related reference
sp_iqrlvmemory Procedure