Preparing to Migrate

Perform these tasks before you migrate your database.

  1. Upgrade to SAP Sybase IQ 12.7 ESD #5. All migration paths assume that you are migrating from SAP Sybase IQ 12.7 ESD #5 as a minimum.
  2. Regenerate any sort-key values. SAP Sybase IQ 12.7 SORTKEY function uses a different sort-key value than SAP Sybase IQ 15 and later.
  3. Review the collation. SAP Sybase IQ no longer supports custom collations. Custom collations are preserved in database rebuilds only if you rebuild the database in a single step. Use a collation included with SAP Sybase IQ 15.0 or later.
  4. Back up your current installation and save copies of any changes you made to default login and post login scripts. Create your backups on removable media, like tape, DVD, or CD. Make sure the backups are readable.
  5. Review and understand the database migration utilities. Use iqunload to re-create the schema for your database or migrate your 12.7 database. iqlsunload utility is available to move 12.7 local stores for 12.7 multiplex servers.
  6. Use DROP TABLE statements to drop all global temporary tables before you run the iqunload utility. You can recreate the global temporary tables after migration.
  7. Drop all servers of type asejdbc before you run the iqunload utility.

    The asejdbc server class is deprecated. Servers of type asejdbc must be dropped prior to running iqunload. 16.0 12.7 databases with remote server definitions based on the asejdbc driver will not have these definitions migrated to by the iqunload tool and will not give an error at the beginning of an unload saying that you need to drop any asejdbc servers (if there are any present).

  8. Resolve potential migration errors. SAP Sybase IQ no longer supports some 12.7 features and objects. Update these objects before you migrate the database.
  9. Use sp_iqcheckdb to verify that your 12.7 database is clean and error free.
    For information on sp_iqcheckdb output, see Administration: Backup, Restore, and Data Recovery > System Recovery and Database Repair.
Related reference
iqunload Utility
iqlsunload Utility
Unsupported Objects