Restoring Previous Software Versions

Use these general instructions to restore SAP Sybase IQ to a previous version.

Perform this task only to restore a previous software version after installing an ESD as a rolling upgrade. Some steps differ for simplex and multiplex servers. See the cover letter included with the ESD for release-specific instructions.
  1. Do one of the following:
    Server Action
    Simplex Shut down the server.

    Shut down the multiplex node.

    Begin the rollback with the coordinator node. Roll back the secondary nodes one node at a time.

    For server shutdown instructions, see Administration: Database > Run Database Servers > Ways to Start and Stop Databases.
  2. Uninstall the ESD.
    See Installation and Configuration Guide for Solaris > Server Installations > Uninstalling UNIX Servers for details.
  3. Reinstall the SAP Sybase IQ standalone version.
  4. In a terminal, change to $IQDIR16/bin64.
  5. To check the server version string, enter:
    start_iq -v2
  6. Restart the server or multiplex node.
Related tasks
Preparing to Install Maintenance Releases
Installing ESDs