Regrant the Ability to Run Privileged System Procedures After Upgrade

The method to regrant the ability to run privileged system procedures after an upgrade depends on the underlying security model of the procedure.

If you upgraded your database using the default statement, all pre-16 privileged system procedures use the SYSTEM PROCEDURE DEFINER model, while all other privileged system procedures use the SYSTEM PROCEDURE INVOKER model. If you overrode the security model default in the database upgrade statement, all privileged system procedures (pre- and post-16.0) use the SYSTEM PROCEDURE INVOKER model.

Security Model Regrant Method
SYSTEM PROCEDURE DEFINER model Grant EXECUTE object-level privilege on the system procedure directly to the user or role to run the procedure.
SYSTEM PROCEDURE INVOKER model Use sp_proc_priv() to identify the system privileges required to run a system procedure. Grant these system privileges to the user or role to run the procedure.