Grant Compatibility Roles

Granting a compatibility role is semantically equivalent to granting each of its underlying system privileges and roles.

You can drop compatibility roles once each of the system privileges granted to a compatibility role have been granted to at least one user-defined role. You cannot modify individual system privileges within each compatibility role. With the exception of the SYS_AUTH_SA_ROLE, SYS_AUTH_SSO_ROLE, and SYS_AUTH_DBA_ROLE roles, compatibility roles can be dropped at any time, if not required. You can re-create any dropped compatibility role, if needed.

Use the compatibility roles SYS_AUTH_SA_ROLE and SYS_AUTH_SSO_ROLE to administer and grant all individual system privileges in a new database. The union of the system privileges of these two roles are granted to the compatibility role SYS_AUTH_DBA_ROLE. By default, SYS_AUTH_DBA_ROLE is granted to the DBA user with administrative privileges. Thus, all system privileges are initially granted to the DBA user.

To migrate all system privileges within a specific compatibility role to a single user-defined role, use the ALTER ROLE statement with the MIGRATE clause.

You can grant and revoke users or other roles to compatibility roles.