Tiered High Group Index Structure

New tiered High Group (HG) index structure decouples load performance from HG index size.

In SAP Sybase IQ 15, load throughput could degrade as the amount of data in an HG index increased. As the index grew, loading the same amount of data could take more time. The new tiered structure decouples load performance from the HG index size to increase throughput.

The CREATE_HG_WITH_EXACT_DISTINCTS option determines whether newly created HG indexes are tiered or non-tiered. If this option is ON, all new HG indexes are non-tiered. To take advantage of the new structure, set this option to OFF. Use sp_iqrebuildindex to convert non-tiered HG indexes to tiered HG and vice-versa.

Additional Information

See these topics in the SAP Sybase IQ documentation: