sqlany_fetch_next Function

Returns the next row from the result set. This function first advances the row pointer and then fetches the data at the new row.


sqlany_fetch_next ( $stmt )



Returns a scalar value that is 1 on success or 0 on failure.


stmt = api.sqlany_execute_direct( conn, "SELECT * FROM Employees" )
# Fetch the second row
rc = api.sqlany_fetch_next( stmt )
rc, employeeID = api.sqlany_get_column( stmt, 0 )
rc, managerID  = api.sqlany_get_column( stmt, 1 )
rc, surname = api.sqlany_get_column( stmt, 2 )
rc, givenName = api.sqlany_get_column( stmt, 3 )
rc, departmentID = api.sqlany_get_column( stmt, 4 )
print employeeID, ",", managerID, ",",
     surname, ",", givenName, ",", departmentID, "\n"