Installing Python Support on Unix

Python support can be set up on Unix by running the applicable setup python script from the sdk/python subdirectory of your SAP Sybase IQ installation.


Ensure that Python and the ctypes module are installed. For a list of supported versions of Python, see

  1. Make sure the environment is set up for SAP Sybase IQ.

    Depending on which shell you are using, enter the appropriate command to source the SAP Sybase IQ configuration script from the SAP Sybase IQ installation directory (bin64 may be used in place of bin32, if you have the 64-bit software installed):

    In this shell... Use this command...
    sh, ksh, or bash . bin32/
    csh or tcsh source bin32/sa_config.csh
  2. At a shell prompt, change to the sdk/python subdirectory of your SAP Sybase IQ installation.
  3. Enter the following command to install sqlanydb.
    python install
  4. To test sqlanydb, make a copy of the sample database file in your current directory and run a test.
    cd "%ALLSERPROFILE%"\SybaseIQ\demo
    start_iq @iqdemo.cfg iqdemo.db
    python scripts/

    The test script makes a connection to the database server and executes a SQL query. If successful, the test displays the message sqlanydb successfully installed.

    If the test does not run, ensure that the bin32 or bin64 subdirectory of the SAP Sybase IQ installation is in your path.

The sqlanydb module is now ready to use.