Installing DBD::SQLAnywhere on Windows

Install the DBD::SQLAnywhere interface on the supported Windows platform to use Perl to access SAP Sybase IQ databases.

  1. At a command prompt, change to the bin subdirectory of your ActivePerl installation directory.

    The system command prompt is strongly recommended as the following steps may not work from alternative shells.

  2. Using the Perl Module Manager, enter the following command.
    ppm query dbi

    If ppm fails to run, check that Perl is installed correctly.

    This command should generate two lines of text similar to those shown below. In this case, the information indicates that ActivePerl version 5.8.1 build 807 is running and that DBI version 1.38 is installed.

    Querying target 1 (ActivePerl
      1. DBI [1.38] Database independent interface for Perl

    Later versions of Perl may show instead a table similar to the following. In this case, the information indicates that DBI version 1.58 is installed.

    name version abstract area
    DBI 1.58 Database independent interface for Perl perl

    If DBI is not installed, you must install it. To do so, enter the following command at the ppm prompt.

    ppm install dbi
  3. At a command prompt, change to the SDK\Perl subdirectory of your SAP Sybase IQ installation.
  4. Enter the following commands to build and test DBD::SQLAnywhere.
    perl Makefile.PL

    If for any reason you need to start over, you can run the command nmake clean to remove any partially built targets.

  5. To test DBD::SQLAnywhere, copy the sample database file to your SDK\Perl directory and make the tests.
    copy "%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\SybaseIQ\demo\iqdemo.db" .
    iqsrv16 demo
    nmake test

    If the tests do not run, ensure that the bin32 or bin64 subdirectory of the SAP Sybase IQ installation is in your path.

  6. To complete the installation, run the following command at the same prompt.
    nmake install

The DBI Perl module and the DBD::SQLAnywhere interface are now ready to use.