
The fetch_block v4 API method fetches a block of rows.


short fetch_block(
a_v4_extfn_table_context *cntxt,
a_v4_extfn_row_block **row_block)


The fetch_block method is used as an entry point when the consumer does not need the data in a particular format. fetch_block requests that the producer create a data transfer area and provide a pointer to that area. The consumer owns the memory and takes responsibility for copying data from this area.

The fetch_block is more efficient if the consumer does not require a specific layout. The fetch_block call sets a fetch_block to a block that can be consumed, and this block should be passed on the next fetch_block call. This method is part of the a_v4_extfn_table_context structure.


Parameter Description
cntxt The table context object.
row_block An in/out parameter. The first call should always point to a NULL row_block.

When fetch_block is called and row_block points to NULL, the UDF must allocate a a_v4_extfn_row_block structure.


1 if successful, 0 otherwise.

If the UDF returns 1, the consumer knows that there are more rows left and calls the fetch_block method again. However, a UDF returning a value of 0 indicates that there are no more rows and a call to the fetch_block method is unnecessary.

Example 1

Consider the following procedure definition, which is an example of a TPF function that consumes an input parameter table and produces it as a result table. Both are instances of SQL values that are obtained and returned through the get_value and set_value v4 API methods, respectively.

    RESULT SET ( rc INT )
This procedure definition contains two table objects:
  • The input TABLE parameter named b
  • The return result set table

The following example shows how output tables are fetched from by the caller, in this case, the server. The server might decide to use the fetch_block method. Input tables are fetched from by the called entity, in this case the TPF, which decides which fetch API to use.

SELECT rc from FETCH_EX( 1, TABLE( SELECT c1 from TABLE ) )

The example shows that prior to fetching/consuming from an input table, a table context must be established via the open_result_set API on the a_v4_extfn_proc structure. The open_result_set requires a table object, which can be obtained through the get_value API.

    an_extfn_value	arg;
    ctx->get_value( args_handle, 3, &arg );

    if( arg.type != DT_EXTFN_TABLE ) {
        // handle error

    a_v4_extfn_table_context	*rs = NULL;
    a_v4_extfn_table 	             *inTable = arg.data;
    ctx->open_result_set( ctx, inTable, &rs );

After the table context is created, the rs structure executes the fetch_block API and fetches the rows.

a_v4_extfn_row_block	*rb =  // get a row block to hold a series of INT values.
rs->fetch_block( rs, &rb )  // fetch the rows.

Prior to producing rows to a result table, a table object must be created and returned to the caller via the set_value API on the a_v4_extfn_proc_context structure.

This example shows that a table UDF must create an instance of the a_v4_extfn_table structure. Each invocation of the table UDF should return a separate instance of the a_v4_extfn_table structure. The table contains the state fields to keep track of the current row and the number of rows to generate. State for a table can be stored as a field of the instance.

    typedef struct rg_table : a_v4_extfn_table {
        a_sql_uint32		rows_to_generate;
        a_sql_uint32		current_row;
    } my_table;