Connecting Using OLE DB

SAP Sybase IQ includes an OLE DB provider as an alternative to ODBC. OLE DB is a data access model from Microsoft that uses the Component Object Model (COM) interfaces. Unlike ODBC, OLE DB does not assume that the data source uses a SQL query processor. Although OLE DB requires a Windows client, you can use using OLE DB to access Windows and UNIX servers

SAP Sybase IQ OLE DB support differs from SAP SQL Anywhere support. SAP Sybase IQ supports Dynamic (dynamic scroll), Static (insensitive) and Forward only (no–scroll) cursors, but does not support Keyset (scroll) cursors. In SAP Sybase IQ the isolation level is always 3, no matter what you specify.

SAP Sybase IQ supports Dynamic (dynamic scroll), Static (insensitive) and Forward only (no–scroll) cursors, but does not support Keyset (scroll) cursors. In SAP Sybase IQ the isolation level is always 3, no matter what you specify.

SAP Sybase IQ does not support Windows CE or remote updates through a cursor.

Additional Information

Programming > OLE DB and ADO Development > OLE DB Connection Parameters