Distributed Transaction Architecture

The following diagram illustrates the architecture of distributed transactions. In this case, the resource manager proxy is either ADO.NET, OLE DB, or ODBC.

     Architecture of distributed transactions: Client system with application server, top, connects to two database server systems, below, through resource manager proxies.

In this case, a single resource dispenser is used. The application server asks DTC to prepare a transaction. DTC and the resource dispenser enlist each connection in the transaction. Each resource manager must be in contact with both the DTC and the database, so the work can be performed and the DTC can be notified of its transaction status when required.

A Distributed Transaction Coordinator (DTC) service must be running on each computer to operate distributed transactions. You can start or stop DTC from the Microsoft Windows Services window; the DTC service task is named MSDTC.

For more information, see your DTC or EAServer documentation.