Inserts, Updates, and Deletes Using JDBC

Static SQL statements such as INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE, which do not return result sets, are executed using the executeUpdate method of the Statement class. Statements, such as CREATE TABLE and other data definition statements, can also be executed using executeUpdate.

The addBatch, clearBatch, and executeBatch methods of the Statement class may also be used. Due to the fact that the JDBC specification is unclear on the behavior of the executeBatch method of the Statement class, the following notes should be considered when using this method with the SQL Anywhere JDBC drivers:

The following code fragment illustrates how to execute an INSERT statement. It uses a Statement object that has been passed to the InsertStatic method as an argument.

public static void InsertStatic( Statement stmt )
    int iRows = stmt.executeUpdate(
      "INSERT INTO Departments (DepartmentID, DepartmentName)"
      + " VALUES (201, 'Eastern Sales')" );
    // Print the number of rows inserted
    System.out.println(iRows + " rows inserted");
  catch (SQLException sqe)
    System.out.println("Unexpected exception : " +
              sqe.toString() + ", sqlstate = " +
  catch (Exception e)
