SADataAdapter: Update Rows using Update

An example showing how to use the Update method of SADataAdapter to update rows in a table.

C# SADataAdapter Update Example

The example adds two new rows to the Departments table and then fetches this table into a DataTable using the SelectCommand property and the Fill method of the SADataAdapter. It then modifies some values in the DataTable and updates the Departments table from the DataTable using the UpdateCommand property and the Update method of the SADataAdapter.

SAConnection conn = new SAConnection( "Data Source=Sybase IQ Demo" );
SACommand prepCmd = new SACommand("", conn);
prepCmd.CommandText =
    "DELETE FROM Departments WHERE DepartmentID >= 600";
prepCmd.CommandText =
    "INSERT INTO Departments VALUES (600, 'Eastern Sales', 902)";
prepCmd.CommandText =
    "INSERT INTO Departments VALUES (700, 'Western Sales', 902)";

SADataAdapter da = new SADataAdapter();
da.MissingMappingAction = MissingMappingAction.Passthrough;
da.MissingSchemaAction = MissingSchemaAction.Add;
da.SelectCommand = new SACommand(
    "SELECT * FROM Departments", conn );
da.UpdateCommand = new SACommand(
    "UPDATE Departments SET DepartmentName = ? " +
    "WHERE DepartmentID = ?",
    conn );
da.UpdateCommand.UpdatedRowSource = UpdateRowSource.None;

SAParameter parm = new SAParameter();
parm.SADbType = SADbType.Char;
parm.SourceColumn = "DepartmentName";
parm.SourceVersion = DataRowVersion.Current;
da.UpdateCommand.Parameters.Add( parm );

parm = new SAParameter();
parm.SADbType = SADbType.Integer;
parm.SourceColumn = "DepartmentID";
parm.SourceVersion = DataRowVersion.Original;
da.UpdateCommand.Parameters.Add( parm );

DataTable dataTable = new DataTable( "Departments" );
int rowCount = da.Fill( dataTable );

foreach ( DataRow row in dataTable.Rows )
    if (Int32.Parse(row[0].ToString()) > 500)
        row[1] = (string)row[1] + "_Updated";
rowCount = da.Update( dataTable );

rowCount = da.Fill( dataTable );
dataGridView1.DataSource = dataTable;