Describe API

The _describe_extfn function is a member of a_v4_extfn_proc. A UDF gets and sets logical properties using the describe_column, describe_parameter, and describe_udf properties in the a_v4_extfn_proc_context object.

_describe_extfn Declaration

void (UDF_CALLBACK *_describe_extfn)(a_v4_extfn_proc_context *cntxt );


The _describe_extfn function describes the procedure evaluation to the server.

Each of the describe_column, describe_parameter, and describe_udf properties has an associated get and set method, a set of attribute types, and an associated data type for each attribute. The get methods retrieve information from the server; the set methods describe the logical properties of the UDF (such as the number of output columns or the number of distinct values for a output column) to the server.