Granting the SYS System Role

The SYS system role owns the system tables and views for the database, which contain the full description of database schema, including all database objects and user IDs.

MANAGE ROLES system privilege.

By default, the SYS system role is granted the dbo and PUBLIC system roles with no administrative rights. However, members of the dbo and PUBLIC system roles do not inherit any system privileges directly or indirectly granted to the SYS system role.

You can grant the SYS system role to other roles only with no administrative rights (WITH NO ADMIN OPTION clause). The WITH ADMIN OPTION and WITH ADMIN ONLY OPTION clauses are invalid for the SYS system role.

You cannot grant additional system privileges to, or revoke them from, the SYS system role.

To grant the SYS system role, execute:
GRANT ROLE SYS TO grantee [,...]
Related reference
GRANT ROLE Statement